Tuesday, 1 October 2024

True Worship

Worship has so many meaning to different people to my understanding of what it is I will say is an act of connecting with God.
The act of worshiping can be done by praises, dancing, serving God in his house and by prayer and fasting. As children and daughters’ of the most high our worship should be a link to open heaven for blessing, good health, break through to any problem and as well as healing.
The bible tells us of stories of women who have called to God in worship and he answered. The book of Esther (4:15-17) tells us how Esther and the Jews call to God in worship by prayer and fasting and he heard their cry and the evil plans of Haman to kill the Jews was destroy.
Also the bible tells us in (Luke 1:5-17) about Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah a priest who had no child and he always worshiped God in prayers was blessed with a child at their old age. Hannah was another woman in the bible who cried out to God in prayers because of her barrens and she saw the result of her worship.
We saw with the situation they faced they never gave up and where truthful in their worship to the Lord and at the end they were rewarded joyfully.
As believers we should strive to offer true worship. True worship is when we give God our best and not the left-overs. All throughout the Old Testament, God demanded the very best from His people: the firstlings of the flock, the firstborn of man and animal, and the first fruit of our harvest. When the site and the sacrifice were offered to David free of charge so that he might appease the wrath of God, because he had presumptuously numbered Israel without God's approval David said: "No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price; nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing" (1 Sam. 24:24). The heart that says: "Let's worship God, but let's do it as quickly, conveniently, cheaply, and effortlessly as possible" does not understand the very essence of what true worship is all about. If God would not accept "the leftovers" from His people in the days of the prophets (Mal. 1:7-8, 10; cf. Amos 5:21; Hos. 6:4-6; Isa. 1:11-15), He will not accept anything less than the very best that we have to offer Him today.
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. (John 4:23)